Welcome to meh blog…
Welcome! We are into our 3rd year of the pandemic and with that, a lot of people have made some life changes. While I can not speak for everyone else, I can speak for myself.
I had my last semester of college during the start of the pandemic. As a result, I had a virtual graduation that was so underwhelming and none of the graduating students were acknowledged! It was rough. Year two of the pandemic, I moved across the country, to the Southeast, and I just have to say that I miss Los Angeles every. single. day. Shortly after my move, I lost a couple of family members a couple of weeks apart from one another, and my world literally flipped upside down. But come early 2022 and most importantly, my significant other and I decided we would be having commitment ceremony to share our love with our family and friends. Needless to say, I have had many highs and many lows over these last few of years.
So for ‘22, I have decided to really dive into setting up my photography business. Something that is just for me and something that I am able to share and do for others. Granted, over the years, my business has seen significant changes, from dabbling in graphic design, to trying to decide my brand, but after the ball dropped from 21’ to 22’, something in me finally said, “This is going to be your year. You are going to get things setup and you can finally begin”. My word of ‘22 is “Begin” and I definitely plan on beginning my future both personally and professionally.
So with all that said, WELCOME!
I will be keeping you guys up to date with things that are happening and will be sharing some little tid bits here and there that I hope most of you will find helpful. I also find that this blog will be like an online journal and a way to track how I continue to evolve. It’s a fun, or cringeworthy, way to read at a later date of what I had set for myself and see what once were my biggest goals & achievements, to see if any will make me scratch my head and wonder what was I thinking or to see what would just become a standard part of life and business.
You may notice that I will reflect about the years past projects and upcoming projects that I will be most excited about. My most favorite part of this practice is basically writing myself a letter, to read for years to come. It’s just cool to see goals and wishes come true and to reflect upon things that I wanted so badly some time ago, that aren’t even on my radar anymore. It’s just another interesting way to see how we grow.
I’m thankful for all of the people I’ve had the chance to cross paths with (even if the experiences were less than par because it did help me learn and grow) and excited those I will get to meet in the future and see what develops. I for one am not the same person I was last year. I am not the same person I was 5 years ago. I am absolutely not the same person I was 10 years ago (a far cry from). I continue to learn and evolve and have learned when to walk forward or when to walk (or run) away. To everyone who’s booked me for their photography sessions and those who will respond to my open calls and everything in between, you can’t begin to understand how much it means to me that you love my work enough to invest in yourself to shoot with me, and it makes me feel that I am the luckiest photographer in the world!!
Please continue to follow along with me on this journey and I look forward to expressing my world with you.
Want to talk with me further? Contact me today!